Thursday, January 20, 2011

still in critcal care - trying to stabilize

I am sorry I do not have much to update, other than Mike looks better today and was a little more responsive. They are trying to stabilize his platelets but the leukemia keeps eating them up and he is not stable enough for chemo to treat the ALL. Last count was 33, which is much better than 0, but he really needs to get to 50. Specific prayer requests today are that his body will stabilize and that the bleed in his brain will stop and re-absorb naturally. Pray for good test results today and good neurological responses. She said he is doing very well considering his condition - thank you for the prayers!!! Please keep them coming! I am sorry I can not respond to each of you individually - I am trying to keep up as best I can! I appreciate each and every one of you!! ♥

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