Wednesday, August 26, 2009

bone marrow procedure went well

Just wanted to update everyone and let you know that Mike's bone marrow biopsy procedure went very well this morning. The staff was wonderful and Mike experienced very little pain. We will get the (prayerfully good) results next Friday the 4th. He will most likely start phase 2 treatments around the 10th. We still have not gotten a response from SSA. They told us yesterday that we should hear something any day now.

Lots of people have been asking about my back and teeth...I always forget to post my updates with Mike's. I have contacted a PT office close to my house, but we are still waiting for paperwork to be faxed from MD. I dont have much pain in my back these days. It seems like the more active I am, the less it hurts, so I am trying to work back into my exercise routine a little at a time. I saw the dentist this week for my sore tooth and it turns out that I need $2000 just to save the tooth and another $700 worth of work. I am hoping to get the surgery done soon. In the meantime, they have given me antibiotics, so the pain is not as bad as it was. I am thankful for that.

We are just standing together, believing God that healing is coming and we are going to get through this with a great testimony; also believing that all of this is contributing to developing our character and compassion for others. Thanks to everyone who continues to stand with us.

If you own a business or know someone who is able to donate products or services for our Silent Auction, please contact Danielle - - *put Mike's name in the subject line. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Angie is organizing details for the Bull Roast on October 17. We should be posting all of the info very soon!

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