Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hello everyone!

So far Phase 2 has been going fairly well. Mike's energy has been diminishing slowly and he has had a lot of headaches, but other than that he has been in good spirits. All of his spinal taps have come back with favorable results, so we are thankful for that! His platelet count dropped down to 66 this past week, but the doctors are saying that is pretty high for this stage of treatment. He goes in for treatments every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Tuesdays usually run about 12 hour-days between his lab work, spinal taps and chemo treatments. The other days run 3 -5 hours long, depending on the treatment. We had an appointment yesterday with the Oncologist and she seems pleased with his progress thus far. He will have one more week on Phase 2 and then another bone marrow biopsy to confirm that everything is still on track. He will then get a small break (about 3 weeks) before beginning Phase 3. Phase 3 will be 2-3 days/week for about 3 months. After that the doctors we re-assess his condition, but his treatments should become less frequent as his body goes into remission.

I can not even tell you what a nightmare this has been for us. We thank God everyday for the many blessings in our lives, but some days we just feel completely flipped upsidedown and then violently skaken. We are doing our best to remain positive and trust that God has a plan for us. We are challenging ourselves to learn from this trial and become better people. In many ways, I have learned to embrace the brokeness and the pain of these circumstances, rather than numbing myself to it just to get by. I know that everyone deals with pain differently...I just feel that, for me, I have to let myself cry through the hurt and then channel that energy into the fuel that presses me to become better and to help others who are struggling. We are working together as a family, one day at a time, to look forward to the future and come out of this stronger.

When Mike was diagnosed, a close personal friend of mine (who also happens to be my employer) wrote something about us that I would like to share:

The Face of Cancer So this is the face of Cancer… Smoky blue eyes. Great smile showing barely a sign of entering middle age…because he is only 31. Over 200 pounds of strength, ready to dedicate his career to the police academy. Two young mouths to feed. A gutsy, and so pretty, 30 year old wife with a hard fought and ironclad faith in God. Not a sign of warning. Like a sudden, destructive wildfire, acute lymphonic leukemia seemed to ignite overnight. And still it burns, as we stand on the street looking at the inferno, helplessly praying this family makes it out alive. Somehow, I know they will. For this face is also the face of faith. When he looks for guidance it is not in the mirror. His face looks up to the Lord. Cancer can never claim him. Only his Father can.
By Sheryl Hunter

If it touched you, like it has many others, you are most likely reaching for the tissues. She is a beautiful writer and I am very grateful that she has shared her gift with us, to encourage us through this season of our lives. Thank you Sheryl!!

I dont want to keep bombarding everyone with info about the Bull Roast, but a lot of people are emailing me and asking questions. Please refer to our previous blogspot ( entries or our group page on Facebook regarding the details, and if you still have questions, email Angie ( or Danielle ( I am not in the planning loop and I apologize that I am not able to answer everyone's questions appropriately.

I do know that tickets are being sold for a 50/50 raffle for $5/each or 3 tix/$10. Winner gets half of the raffle (minimum $500 prize). If you are not able to attend, but would like to purchase raffle tickets, please contact Danielle. There are also many other items that will be raffled or put up for the Silent Auction - Danielle will be publishing a list closer to the event.

MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE for all of your efforts & contributions to help our family get through this time. We love you all!!

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