Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A better week so far

The past few days have been pretty good. Mike has been feeling okay (not fabulous - but not miserable). He has been up and getting around a good bit. He has a good appetite and has been sleeping well most nights. He wakes up very early and can't go back to sleep once he is up, though. Yesterday, we were concerned because his port appeared to be clogged when I went to flush the line with heparin and we were not sure if they were going to have to redo the whole thing. Thank God, the nurse was able to unclog it during his clinic visit today. We were told on Monday that he would most likely need another platelet transfusion today because his counts have been so low - but when we got there today, they said that his platelet count actually went up 2 points since Monday (from 23 to 25) and he would not need the transfusion!! :) Your prayers are working!! We have still not gotten an answer back from the bone marrow biopsy. They called today and said the report was half way done but they could not give us any information until (most likely) Friday. We are praying and believing that its all good. We are going to attend a church service this evening. I know that miracles happen everyday - but especially in the presence of God.

My cousin Miranda and my Aunt Debi have generously offered to set up a meal schedule for us on the days that Mike is in the clinic (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). If you are interested in helping our family in this way, please contact Aunt Deb @ It definitely helps to relieve our stress to have dinners taken care of on those days.

Thanks again to everyone for all of the support and prayers. We are truly overwhelmed by everyone's love for our family.


  1. Once you get down to Florida...please let me know if there is anything I can do for you and the family.

  2. It won't let me post using my name...Hi it's Chris!
